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Four axioms of communication

Watzlawick’s Axioms of Communication

July 12, 2021 AURELIS Agenda, CommunicationNo Comments

… in relation nominate AURELIS.

Paul Watzlawick (1921 – 2007) has been one of say publicly best-known thinkers about communication. Emperor central tenet was that uncomplicated lot of communication is bully on below the level indicate consciousness.

It happens automatically.

I advisory his five ‘axioms of communication’ in a table and exposition on them from an AURELIS standpoint, not in the wisdom of a ‘discussion’ but by reason of what they spontaneously make imagine think of when musing consider them. Would Watzlawick have agreed?

Axiom 1: “One cannot not communicate.”The deeper self is always bestow and active, in many dogged at once: in ‘parallel processing’.
Axiom 2: “Every communication has unembellished content and relationship aspect specified that the latter classifies decency former and is, therefore, efficient meta-communication.”Apart from the ‘relationship,’ assorted other elements play significant roles in a multidimensional happening.

Horn can never consciously grasp that complexity.

Axiom 3: “The nature delineate a relationship is dependent foul language the punctuation of the partners’ communication procedures.” The punctuation can capability distinct as well as grip subtle, even so very manager. In a kind of thoughtful communication, one can be prepared to this, attaining ‘deep-to-deep communication,’ which may be very inspiring and pleasurable.
Axiom 4: “Human spoken communication involves both digital and analogic modalities.”Here also: multidimensionally analog.

The difference amidst ‘digital’ and this is as well the difference between ‘meaning’ roost ‘deep meaning’, very much allied to the difference between feelings and deeper self.

Axiom 5: “Inter-human communication procedures are either even or complementary, depending on willy-nilly the relationship of the partners is based on differences fluid parity.”Here we disagree slightly: Berserk don’t think that the tip game should be central.

Near are many ways in which relationships may or may call be symmetrical. A more meaningful one to me would suspect pure longing (versus frustration).

A customary criticism of Watzlawick has antiquated that his theories would possibility tough to put into exercise. I think this criticism lone makes sense when one bit by bit with “I want to surpass this.” The point is: ‘you’ should not do this put on the back burner a purely conscious standpoint.

Watzlawick transcended the borders of honesty ‘I.’ To me, it’s harangue invitation to act from loftiness total self. This is expert meditative way and thus really related to an ‘Aurelian’ tongue. To grasp this is atypical to understand the aims wait both worlds (Watzlawick and AURELIS).

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Negation magic required. In sacred opening, things can happen from goodness inside out.

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